
Our Community in Naugatuck

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Life Is Better When Lived Together

If there is one term that describes KindCare at Naugatuck, it’s togetherness.

We’ve designed our approach to support an unrivaled sense of community and connection. From our smaller community sizes to our “companion” suites, everything we do is supported by fostering connections between residents, the community, and beyond.

And with the help of our affordable pricing and all-inclusive services, your loved one will have everything they need to enjoy life in comfort and peace.

Discover how KindCare at Naugatuck can support your loved one when you schedule a tour with us today.

Why KindCare?

Our community is a wonderful place to call home because of the pillars it stands on: innovation, wellness, and kindness

We constantly strive for innovation in the services we offer while promoting wellness through delicious meals and rejuvenating health programs. We also believe in fostering kindness by prioritizing connection, trust, and respect.

Kindness Counts…

Among Our Team

Our leadership team fosters respect and inspires our caregivers to provide residents with empathy and understanding.

Among Residents

Our approach is small by design, encouraging residents to connect with others and build relationships based on trust and compassion.

Beyond the Community

Our residents live to give back. We provide ample opportunities for residents to share our compassionate philosophy beyond the community.

Our Commitment to Innovation

Our senior experience is elevated through seamless integration of innovative technology in our services. Discover more on our amenities page.


Telehealth eliminates transportation barriers to accessing supportive healthcare services.


Our personalized app allows residents to effortlessly connect with friends and family. Stay in touch with ease!

Air Filtration

Experience pure, fresh air free from airborne bacteria and particles.

Charitable Causes & Initiatives

Our charitable efforts focus on supporting the Ukrainian Refugee Relief Program through free English as a second language classes, training, and job opportunities. 

We also collaborate with local homeless shelters, providing hot meals once a week to those in need. These initiatives uphold our commitment to service, compassion, and providing access to basic human amenities.

Meet the Team

Coming Soon!

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