Amenities in Naugatuck

Experience the Convenience of All-Inclusive Comfort

Discover KindCare at Naugatuck—where kindness, comfort, and support always take center stage. Our vibrant community offers a wide range of amenities included in the monthly rate, so your loved one can live a full life without restrictions. 

Join us for a fulfilling experience personalized to your loved one’s needs.

What To Expect at Our Community

Experience the charm of our community and discover our list of exceptional amenities, where every corner invites relaxation and rejuvenation.

Here, your loved one can immerse themselves in tranquility and elevate their quality of life in a vibrant community that offers endless enrichment and enjoyment.

Some of our most popular community amenities include:

  • Media center, activity rooms, library, and parlor
  • Outdoor urban gardens
  • Full-service restaurant
  • Full-service bistro dining
  • Full-service salon & barbershop
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