Amenities in Naugatuck

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Experience the Convenience of All-Inclusive Comfort

Discover KindCare at Naugatuck—where kindness, comfort, and support always take center stage. Our vibrant community offers a wide range of amenities included in the monthly rate, so your loved one can live a full life without restrictions. 

Join us for a fulfilling experience personalized to your loved one’s needs.

Redefining Senior Living with Technology

At KindCare at Naugatuck, we’re using technology to redefine the senior living experience.

We prioritize innovation by providing communication technology for residents to stay connected with loved ones and healthcare professionals. 

On top of this, our modern air purifying systems help protect your loved ones from pollutants.

Technology We Use

Enhance community connection with revolutionary technology, all included in the monthly rate. 

With the help of our approach to technology, residents can find comfort and support from the convenience of their suite.

Experience convenient healthcare from the comfort of your own home with our telehealth service. 

Through this, we offer online health monitoring and remote medical consultations. Stay healthy in our community without ever traveling, 24/7.

Stay connected with our remote visitation services, bridging the distance for families worldwide. Perfect for those unable to visit due to travel restrictions or other factors. 

We bring loved ones closer, no matter where life takes them!

Our priority: residents’ safety. 

By taking proactive measures to protect against airborne bacteria, our air filtration system offers a clean, healthy environment for all.

What To Expect at Our Community

Experience the charm of our community and discover our list of exceptional amenities, where every corner invites relaxation and rejuvenation.

Here, your loved one can immerse themselves in tranquility and elevate their quality of life in a vibrant community that offers endless enrichment and enjoyment.

Some of our most popular community amenities include:

  • Media center, activity rooms, library, and parlor
  • Outdoor urban gardens
  • Full-service restaurant
  • Full-service bistro dining
  • Full-service salon & barbershop
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