Senior Living Activities in Naugatuck

Something for Everyone

KindCare at Naugatuck invites your loved one to join in on exciting activities and events for seniors. Explore new interests, connect with others, and create lasting memories in a joyful atmosphere. 

Come experience the enriching and inspiring lifestyle we offer!

Two happy senior women playing chess while drinking coffee

Engaging Our Residents

We prioritize resident engagement through carefully curated activities and events that can help to promote physical well-being, reduce depression, stimulate cognitive abilities, ignite creativity, and foster a sense of purpose and belonging. 

This ultimately enriches lives, improving overall health and happiness.

Our Calendar

Events calendar coming soon!

Find a Passion

Our chefs offer captivating classes on baking, grilling, and healthy eating. They blend education with entertainment by sharing valuable meal-making tips and recipes. 

Discover the joy of cooking with us!

We offer art classes for seniors to express themselves creatively through painting, drawing, and crafts. All materials are provided, allowing seniors to explore their creativity easily. 

We’ve got everything from pottery to sketching covered!

Our technology courses empower seniors with the skills to stay connected and engaged in the digital age. 

From mastering social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to navigating smartphones and tablets, we help your loved ones keep up with the latest communication technology.

Our programs for senior health offer customized exercise classes and educational seminars on nutrition, mental well-being, sleep quality, and preventative care. 

We empower older adults to lead active lives and embrace life to the fullest.

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